"Advocating for Diversity" DEI Panel Discussion

Join IIDA on January 20, 2022 for an “Advocating for Diversity” DEI Panel Discussion. We are excited to partner with Co-Creating Inclusion for this Panel Discussion to share our thoughts, experiences, and progress forward!

Having gone through the Workshop Series, our (3) Panelists will be discussing their takeaways from the DEI workshop series as well as any progress or actions they have taken as a result. Attendees will walk away with real life examples of thought processes, implementation strategies, lessons learned, and recommendations for starting/joining in on the change at their own place of work.

Meet the Panelists!

  • Lauren Coughlin - Director, Strategy + Culture, D2

  • Alexandra Bonner - Associate, Interior Designer, FCA

  • Robby Prall - Director, Brand Identity, D2


Program content by Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick of Co-Creating Inclusion.