Breaking the Silence in Design: Where do we go from here?

IIDA and OFS presents the student-focused program “Breaking the Silence in Design: Where do we go from here?” on Wednesday, November 18 at 5 p.m. Central.

It's time for a frank, thoughtful discussion tackling the uncomfortable conversation around race and inequity in the design and construction industry. Join IIDA Executive Vice President and CEO Cheryl S. Durst, Hon. FIIDA, in conversation with Gabrielle Bullock, IIDA, FAIA, NOMAC, of Perkins&Will and Karen Compton of A3K Consulting, hosts of the vodcast, “Breaking the Silence in Design." Following the conversation will be a half an hour of Q&A, where the panelists will answer your questions live. 

Register here and share your question for the panelists.

This program was developed for design students and recent graduates to have their voices and questions heard by thought leaders in the industry. We welcome everyone to register and watch the program live, but kindly ask established professionals to create a space where student and emerging designer input is front and center by refraining from asking questions live.